Qinghua (戎青華)

視聽聯覺藝術家 | 音樂算法設計師 | 舞美設計師 Audiovisual Synesthesia Artist | Music Algorithm Designer | Stage Designer



Qinghua 是一位跨媒體藝術家,專註於探索技術與藝術的融合,致力於通過音樂算法和互動藝術打造沈浸式藝術體驗。擁有超過20年的舞臺美術設計和燈光設計經驗,Qinghua的作品橫跨戲劇、音樂劇、歌劇、舞蹈及大型藝術錶演,設計作品逾仟場。Qinghua is a cross-media artist focused on the fusion of technology and art, dedicated to creating immersive artistic experiences through music algorithms and interactive art. With over 20 years of experience in stage design and lighting, Qinghua has worked across theater, musicals, operas, dance, and large-scale art performances, designing more than a thousand pieces.

作為視聽聯覺藝術的先鋒,Qinghua通過結合聲音、光線和空間,創作出多感官的藝術錶現形式。他的作品不僅打破了傳統藝術的界限,還通過互動裝置和復雜的音樂算法,使觀眾與藝術產生深度的對話和共鳴。As a pioneer in audiovisual synesthesia, Qinghua's work combines sound, light, and space to create multi-sensory artistic expressions. His creations break the boundaries of traditional art forms, utilizing interactive installations and complex music algorithms to evoke deep engagement and resonance with the audience.

藝術方嚮 Artistic Focus:

· 視聽聯覺藝術 Audiovisual Synesthesia Art

· 音樂算法設計 Music Algorithm Design

· 互動裝置與跨媒體藝術 Interactive Installations and Cross-Media Art

· 舞臺美術與燈光設計 Stage and Lighting Design

代錶作品 Notable Works:

· 《聲光律:3D音場與光影交互》 Sound-Light Laws: 3D Sound Field and Light Interaction

· 大型戲劇與舞臺錶演的多媒體裝置 Multimedia installations for large-scale theater and stage performances